Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Insidious 3 - Sweded

This is my sweded version of the Insidious: Chapter 3, Teaser Trailer. Enjoy!! :)

This is our planning, storyboard, props, script, iMovie, Facebook, Twitter & YouTube evidence of making our Sweded film, Insidious 3 Teaser Trailer.

Reflective Comment
I really enjoyed making this film. I think it turned out well (compared to the original Insidious 3: Teaser Trailer). It could be improved by filming all on the same day so that the lighting doesn't keep changing and also so all members of the group could be there. Also if we had filmed it at night so it was darker and more likely to scare people.

Emaze Presentation on Sweded films

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This is my EMaze Presentation on Sweded films.

Reflective Comment

This is the first ever emaze presentation I made, I don't like it as at the time I didn't know how to choose the different 'Slides' from the 'Gallery'. However since then I've learnt a lot more and also helps me learn and remember a lot about 'Sweded films'.