Harry Colgan is one of mine and Chloe's peers. He's a keen actor who thrives off of his drama A-Level lessons. He enjoys the experience of having to work in front of a camera and gets on well with me and Chloe. His character, a psychotic psychic everyman, who records himself speaking about the dream he had the previous night. He feels the need to record these dreams as he sees his future self at significant moments in his life in them. He records these on cassette tapes. Having this reminder of his not so hopeful past has driven him into being mentally unwell and obsessive over how certain things need to be done, for example he feels the need to unwind and rewind tapes. However in our film, Blank, to fit with Film Noir conventions, we have the opening title sequence (OTS) starting at the very end of our film, when our Everyman has experienced his final and most traumatic dream yet - his own death. Here we will see our Everyman at his most crazed and will therefore draw the audience in as more disturbed images will be shown and the pace will be much faster.

In the OTS the viewer will not see much of our Femme Fatale. There will be a strong suggestion she does not come with good things and that either she will do bad things or bad things will happen to her. This will be through setting alight a picture of here and smoke, a conventional part of Film Noirs, will blow over her. Also to fit with Film Noir traditions I edited the picture of here using an application called Aviary. On this I used the Colour Splash feature so that her red lipstick will in colour and the rest was in black and white. I then played around with the contrasts, brightness and saturation until I was happy with the image. The colour red comes with connotations of stop, blood or danger all of which aren't positive things and again will fig the audience an idea this Femme Fstale isn't to be trusted. The audience, however, from seeing our OTS will not know the Everyman's relationship with the Femme Fatale but as they are the opposite sex and of a similar age the audience should start guessing they are, or once have, been together.
Reflective Comment: Needs finishing
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